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What We Do

We are in The Mattering business. We curate experiences that allow people to feel valued and add value within organizations.


The Mattering partners with organizations to achieve positive outcomes by understanding the dynamic intersections of people pursuing outstanding performance. 


We use our 7 People-Centric Practices as a methodology to improve organizational cultures through coaching, facilitating, learning, and assessing.

Collaborating at Work
Our Purpose

We exist to support leaders in responding to the mega-trends impacting their organizations.


Introduce our 7 People-Centric Practices to achieve positive outcomes in your organization. Inspire leaders to lead with a people-centered culture.


Coach people to performance outcomes and own their accountabilities.


Measure gaps between individuals, teams, and organization capabilities.


Administer psychometric assessments to objectively confirm character, personality, preferences, and behaviors.


Help organizations to care about and care for each other while they pursue success!

Our Practices

Our 7 People-Centric Practices For Organizations

7 List Social Media Engagement Graph (2).png

Evolved leaders mentor, coach, inspire, and facilitate behaviors that support individuals, teams, and, ultimately, the organizations to succeed. These leaders co-create positive cultures that empower and enable teams to thrive.

Our Team

Our Team

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